

Tariff Management

Tariff is package with a Ratecard. Here system is having tariff package with three following options.

  1. Time Based Rates
  2. Destination wise rate card

Configuration and management is defined in the system under the “Rate Management”–> “Tariff” menu. There we can add, edit and delete the tariff.

Tariff Listing

Tariff listing Search is based on Tariff name, Tariff Code,Currency,Who Can Use and Status.


Tariff Listing provides has two Actions  for User.

  1. Edit Tariff
  2. Delete Tariff

Tariff Add

Add Tariff option provides to add the new Tariff in the system. Following details are available to add ….




This is name of Tariff wants add in a system

It support alphanumeric string and it is mandatory.


This is dropdown and provides 2 options “Customer” and “Carrier”. Customer means only customer and reseller can use this rate cards and Carrier means Only Carrier can use.

This is supporting 2 values only such as “CUSTOMER” and “CARRIER”


This is a dropdown which having different options for currency selection.

It supports integer value only.


This is to provide brief description  about Tariff

It support alphanumeric string max of 50 char and it is mandatory.


This defines Status of the Tariff having selection. “Active” or “Inactive”

It Supports Binary “0” or “1”.

Tariff configuration management

Tariff configuration management is further categories in four parts:-

  1. Tariff (EDIT).
  2. Package Services.
  3. Outgoing (PSTN) Calls Rate’s Ratecard List.
  4. Incoming (DID’s) Calls Rate’s Ratecard List

Package Services

This defines Opt for package or not having selection “Yes” or “No”

IT supports ” 0”or  “1”

Monthly Tariff Charge

This is the case if Package service is set to “Yes” then define monthly charge for that

IT Supports Integer Value and its mandatory

Has Bundle

This defines Opt for having Bundle for tariff plan or not. selection “Yes” or “No”

IT supports ” 0”or  “1” Value and its mandatory


This is the case if bundle service is set to “Yes” then define type for the bundle either “Fixed Minute” or “ Fixed Cost”

IT Supports Fixed Characters. “MINUTE” OR “COST” AND It is mandatory.


Define Minutes here if “Minute “selected or  cost here id “Cost” selected in bundle type.

IT Supports Integer Value and its mandatory


This Define Prefix allowed for bundle

IT Supports Integer Value and its mandatory

Add Ratecard Mapping with Tariff Plan



This is the Name of Tariff Plan to which rate card Mapping

This supports alphanumeric and already selected.


This Define selection of Ratecard to map with Tariff Plan.

This supports alphanumeric value and it’s mandatory.




Start Day

This defines day of the week for call originate.

This supports integer values ”0”, ”1”, ”2”, ”3”, ”4”, ”5”, ”6”.

Start Time

This defines Time at which call originate.

It Supports Date and time and is Mandatory.

End Day

This defines day of the week for call terminate.

This supports integer values ”0”, ”1”, ”2”, ”3”, ”4”, ”5”, ”6”.

End Time

This defines Time at which call terminate.

It Supports Date and time and is Mandatory.


This defines Status of Tariff plan with Ratecard Either “Active” or “Inactive”

It Supports Binary “0” or “1”.


Rates Management

Rates are defines for Ratecard in the system based on destination and destination prefix for Customer and Carrier both.Configuration and management is simple and define in the system under the “Rate Management” –> “Rate” menu.  There we can add, edit and delete the rates. System has option to add rates in a predefined Ratecard based on destination and destination prefix.

Rate Listing

For Rate listing, Search can be done by four ways  :-

  1.Tariff name
  2.Ratecard Name
  3.Rate Prefix

Rate Listing provides two Action for User.

  1. Edit Rate
  2. Delete Rate

Rate Add

Add Rate Button is to add new Rates for Ratecard in the system. Following fields are available to add :


Ratecard Name

This defines Ratecard selection from dropdown for which system going to add new Rate

It support alphanumeric string and it’s mandatory.


Destination Prefix of new rate define here

It supports character value and it’s mandatory.


Define destination for which rates are adding

It supports character value and it’s mandatory.

Rate per Minute

Define rates per minute

It supports integer value and it’s mandatory.


This defines connection charge for the RateCard

It supports integer value and it’s mandatory.

First Pulse

This defines the minimum time duration after that billing starts

It supports integer value and it’s mandatory.

After First Pulse Billing Slab

This defines billing slab applicable after first pulse.

It supports integer value and it’s mandatory.

Grace Period

This defines free fix call time duration for which no charges applicable.

It supports integer value and it’s mandatory.

Rate Multiplier

This defines Rates are fix or increases accordingly as set in rate multiplier.

It supports integer value and it’s mandatory.

Fix Charge Per Call

This defines any applicable fix charge per call.

It supports integer value and it’s mandatory.


This defines Status of the Rate having selection “Active” or “Inactive”

It Supports Binary “0” or “1”.


Rate Edit

This option is available to Edit already existing Rates or updating Rates just Added.


RateCard Management


Ratecard is the group of rates which is defines in the system based on destination and destination prefix.

System offers multiple type of rate cards such as carrier rates customer rates, carrier DID rates, customer DID rates, carrier PSTN and customer PSTN calling rates. 

Configuration and management is simple and define in the system under the “Rates Management” –>“Ratecard” menu. 

There we can add, edit and import the rates. System have option to provide the rate import from the existing rates with the customize bulk changes and import from the file.

RateCard Listing

Ratecard listing Search is based on Ratecard name , Ratecard Code, Currency ,Who can use & for.


Ratecard Listing provides  Action likewise:

    1. Edit Ratecard
    2. View Rates
    3. Delete Ratecard

RateCard Add

Add Rate Button  provides to add New Ratecard in the system. Following options are available as per below

Ratecard Name

This is name of rate card which want to create.

It support alphanumeric string and it is mandatory.

Who can use

This is dropdown and provides 2 options “Customer” and “Carrier”. Customer means only customer and reseller can use this rate cards and Carrier means Only Carrier can use.

This is supporting 2 values only such as “CUSTOMER” and “CARRIER”


This is a dropdown which having different options for currency selection.

It supports integer value only.

Usage for

This is a dropdown and provides two options “DID incoming calls” and “Outgoing calls”

It supports 2  values “DID incoming calls” and “Outgoing calls”

Ratecard Usage Case


Want to rating for all outgoing calls which are originated by system customer based on destination and prefix then system provides to add the ratecard for these usages and add the Rates & Charges for A2Z destinations.


Want  rates for all DID incoming calls comes in a system.

 RateCard Edit

This option is available to Edit already existing Ratecard or updating Ratecard just Added.
System has an option to provide the rate import from the existing rates with the customize bulk changes and import from the file.



Installation of OV500-1.0.1 is required basic knowledge of kamailio, Freeswitch and Linux in order to do installation. Here, we are recommending installing solution on distributed environment to achieve the high performance and high calls volume. Below architecture should need to follow in solution deployment.

Its depend on your hardware availability; System is compatible to install all components on single machine but Kamailio and freeswitch should need to run on individual IP address.

OV500 Installation in CentOS 7 instruction are as

Install base packages

yum groupinstall "Development tools" -y

#Enable epel and freeswitch repository

yum install -y epel-release
yum update -y 
yum install -y wget curl git bind-utils ntpdate systemd net-tools whois sendmail sendmail-cf mlocate iptables-devel net-snmp-devel iptables*

Now, disable the firewall and enable the iptables package

systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
systemctl enable iptables
systemctl start iptables

Install the repository of PHP7 and packages

yum -y install 
yum -y install epel-release yum-utils
yum-config-manager --disable remi-php54
yum-config-manager --enable remi-php73
yum install -y php php-fpm php-mysql php-cli php-json php-readline php-xml php-curl php-gd php-json php-mbstring php-mysql php-opcache php-pdo

Install the Freeswitch and kamailio dependencies

yum install -y kernel-devel kernel-headers libunistring-devel flex gcc hiredis-* libevent* *pcap* json-glib glib* glib2 glib2-devel xmlrpc-c-devel gcc-c++ alsa-lib-devel autoconf automake bison broadvoice-devel bzip2 curl-devel  libdb4-devel e2fsprogs-devel erlang flite-devel g722_1-devel gdbm-devel gnutls-devel ilbc2-devel ldns-devel libcodec2-devel libcurl-devel libedit-devel libidn-devel libjpeg-devel libmemcached-devel libogg-devel libsilk-devel libsndfile-devel libtheora-devel libtool libvorbis-devel libxml2-devel lzo-devel mongo-c-driver-devel ncurses ncurses-devel openssl-devel opus-devel pcre-devel perl perl-ExtUtils-Embed pkgconfig portaudio-devel python-devel soundtouch-devel speex-devel sqlite sqlite-devel unbound-devel unixODBC unixODBC-devel libuuid-devel which zlib-devel ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel iftop htop tcpdump ngrep psmisc readline* lua lua-devel  postgresql-devel yasm nor nasm
yum install -y luarocks && luarocks install lua-cjson
yum install python-devel json-devel json-c-devel
yum update -y

Database Installation

OV500 recommend to use the mariadb-10.x for high performance in the individuel server otherwise use the  mariadb-5.x.  mariadb-10.x installation steps are

#Add the mariadb repository in the system

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo

Now add the following lines in repo

name = MariaDB
baseurl =

Install the mariadb-10-x using  yum

yum -y install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client unixODBC  mariadb-devel

Mariadb-5.x version installation on centos-7

yum install mariadb mariadb-devel mariadb-server

Start the mariadb service

systemctl start mariadb
systemctl enable mariadb
systemctl status mariadb

Disable the selinux

sed -i "s#SELINUX=enforcing#SELINUX=disabled#g" /etc/selinux/config
sed -i "s#SELINUX=permissive#SELINUX=disabled#g" /etc/selinux/config
setenforce 0

Install SIP Proxy and Media Servers

Install Freeswitch, Kamailio and RTP Proxy   packages

#Install the Kamailio & RTPProxy

yum -y install rtpproxy  jansson* python python-devel
cd /usr/local/src/
rm -rf /usr/local/src/kamailio
tar -xf kamailio-4.4.6_src.tar.gz
mv kamailio-4.4.6 kamailio
cd /usr/local/src/kamailio
make include_modules="db_mysql dialplan dispatcher exec" exclude_modules="python acc_radius app_java app_lua app_mono app_perl app_python auth_ephemeral auth_identity auth_radius carrierroute cdp cdp_avp cnxcc cpl-c crypto db2_ldap db_berkeley db_cassandra db_mongodb db_oracle db_perlvdb db_postgres db_sqlite db_unixodbc dialplan dnssec erlang evapi geoip geoip2 gzcompress h350 http_async_client ims_auth ims_charging ims_dialog ims_icscf ims_isc ims_qos ims_registrar_pcscf ims_registrar_scscf ims_usrloc_pcscf ims_usrloc_scscf iptrtpproxy jansson janssonrpc-c json jsonrpc-c kazoo lcr ldap log_systemd memcached mi_xmlrpc misc_radius ndb_cassandra ndb_mongodb ndb_redis osp outbound peering purple regex rls sctp snmpstats xhttp_pi xmlops xmlrpc xmpp" cfg prefix="/home/OV500/LB"
make install
#Freeswitch Installation
cd /usr/local/src
git clone
cd /usr/local/src/freeswitch
./ -j 
./configure --prefix=/home/OV500 
rm -rf /usr/local/src/freeswitch/modules.conf
echo 'applications/mod_callcenter
make install 
make cd-sounds-install 
make cd-moh-install

Install the OV500 Database and  Application

#Install OV500 with dependencies
yum install -y nginx libxml2 libxml2-devel openssl openssl-devel gettext-devel fileutils
We are recomending to use NGINX for web server for high performnce and can install with the below is installation steps
#NGINX installation steps
setenforce 0
systemctl start nginx
systemctl enable nginx
systemctl start php-fpm
systemctl enable php-fpm
mkdir -p /etc/nginx/ssl
#Below CMD is to set up the self sign ssl certificate
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key -out /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt
Download the OV500 package
cd /usr/local/src/
git clone --branch 1.0.1

#Copy the pre-configured config file from OV500 Source folder

cp /usr/local/src/OV500/config/nginx/ov500.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/ov500.conf
sed -i "s/;request_terminate_timeout = 0/request_terminate_timeout = 300/" /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
sed -i "s#short_open_tag = Off#short_open_tag = On#g" /etc/php.ini
sed -i "s#;cgi.fix_pathinfo=1#cgi.fix_pathinfo=1#g" /etc/php.ini
sed -i "s/max_execution_time = 30/max_execution_time = 3000/" /etc/php.ini
sed -i "s/upload_max_filesize = 2M/upload_max_filesize = 20M/" /etc/php.ini
sed -i "s/post_max_size = 8M/post_max_size = 20M/" /etc/php.ini
sed -i "s/memory_limit = 128M/memory_limit = 512M/" /etc/php.ini
systemctl restart php-fpm
Install the OV500
rm -rf /usr/local/src/OV500/portal/application/config/database.php
echo "<?php
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
\$active_group = 'default';
\$query_builder = TRUE;
\$db['default'] = array(
'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=switch',
'hostname' => '',
'username' => 'ovswitch',
'password' => 'ovswitch123',
'database' => '',
'dbdriver' => 'pdo',
'dbprefix' => '',
'pconnect' => TRUE,
'db_debug' => TRUE,
'cache_on' => FALSE,
'cachedir' => '',
'char_set' => 'utf8',
'dbcollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'swap_pre' => '',
'encrypt' => FALSE,
'compress' => FALSE,
'stricton' => FALSE,
'failover' => array()
\$db['cdrdb'] = array(
'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=switchcdr',
'hostname' => '',
'username' => 'ovswitch',
'password' => 'ovswitch123',
'database' => '',
'dbdriver' => 'pdo',
'dbprefix' => '',
'pconnect' => FALSE,
'db_debug' => FALSE,
'cache_on' => FALSE,
'cachedir' => '',
'char_set' => 'utf8',
'dbcollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'swap_pre' => '',
'encrypt' => FALSE,
'compress' => FALSE,
'stricton' => FALSE,
'failover' => array(),
'save_queries' => TRUE
rm -rf /usr/local/src/OV500/portal/api/config.php
echo "error_reporting(0);
ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
define('CDR_DSN', 'mysql:dbname=switchcdr;host=localhost');
define('CDR_DSN_LOGIN', 'ovswitch');
define('SWITCH_DSN', 'mysql:dbname=switch;host=localhost');
define('SWITCH_DSN_LOGIN', 'ovswitch', );
define('LOGPATH', 'log/');
define('LOGWRITE', '0');
define('DBLOGWRITE', '1');">/usr/local/src/OV500/portal/api/config.php
cp -rf /usr/local/src/OV500/portal /home/OV500/
ln -s /home/OV500/portal /var/www/html/portal
chown -Rf apache.apache /var/www/html/portal
chown -Rf apache.apache /home/OV500/portal

Switch & Billing Database Schema Installation

Use below command to create the databases for OV500 Switch

mysqladmin create switch
mysqladmin create switchcdr
mysqladmin create kamailio

Create the ovswitch database user

mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'ovswitch'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ovswitch123'"; 
Create switch, switchcdr and kamailio database using OV500 default schema
mysql  switch < /usr/local/src/OV500/config/database/switch.sql
mysql  switchcdr < /usr/local/src/OV500/config/database/switchcdr.sql
mysql  kamailio < /usr/local/src/OV500/config/database/kamailio.sql

Kamailio Configuration

kamailio is installed in /home/OV500/LB folder and there are kamailio.cfg and dispatcher.list files exist. Now, need to configure the kamailio server IP address and database access in kamailio.cfg and freeswitch server IP-Address in dispatcher.list.

rm -rf /home/OV500/LB/etc/kamailio
cp -rf /usr/local/src/OV500/config/kamailio /home/OV500/LB/etc/
vi /home/OV500/LB/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg

#find the “OV500_LB_IP” text in cfg file and replace with kamailio server IP address.
#Below is one example

#!substdef "!MY_IP_ADDR!OV500_LB_IP!g"

if kamailio server IP-Address id then after changing the IP; above configuration will be such like as

#!substdef "!MY_IP_ADDR!!g"

Next to configure the DB access; below is strings in with need to provide the database connection string

#!define DBCA "ca=>SQLCONCA"
#!define DBCDRCA "cdrca=>SQLCONCDRCA"

“DBACCESS_KAMAILIO” text is used to connect the kamailio database and it need to replace as “mysql://ovswitch:ovswitch123@localhost/kamailio”

“DBACCESS_SWITCH”  text in cfg need to replace by “mysql://ovswitch:ovswitch123@localhost/switch” for switch database connection

“SQLCONCA”  text in cfg need to replace by “mysql://ovswitch:ovswitch123@localhost/switch”

“DBCDRCA”   text in cfg need to replace by “mysql://ovswitch:ovswitch123@localhost/switchcdr”


Now, configure the freeswitch IP in the kamailio dispatcher.list

vi /home/OV500/LB/etc/kamailio/dispatcher.list 

#below is sample configuration of dispatcher.list

# $Id$
# dispatcher destination sets
# setit(int) destination(sip uri) flags(int,opt) priority(int,opt) attributes(str,opt)

# Freeswitch IPS
2 sip:
#Allw incoming calls from Freeswitch IP
4 sip:
#List of carrier DID provider
5 sip:

Here, IP is freeswitch IP and it need to replace by the freeswitch server IP-address.

Note: if any DID provides DID calls want to accept with IP authentication as carrier provider then add the DID provider IP address in carrier DID provider list in dispatcher.list

Freeswitch Configuration

copy the files from the OV500 Source folder to freeswitch installation directory
cd /usr/local/src/OV500/config/freeswitch
sed -i 's/LBSERVERIP/''/g'
sed -i 's/OV500FSIPADDRESS/''/g' /usr/local/src/OV500/config/freeswitch/vars.xml
cp -rf autoload_configs/acl.conf.xml /home/OV500/etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/acl.conf.xml
cp -rf autoload_configs/lua.conf.xml /home/OV500/etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/lua.conf.xml
cp -rf autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml /home/OV500/etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml
cp -rf autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml /home/OV500/etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml
cp -rf autoload_configs/xml_cdr.conf.xml /home/OV500/etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/xml_cdr.conf.xml
cp -rf autoload_configs/xml_curl.conf.xml /home/OV500/etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/xml_curl.conf.xml
cp -rf vars.xml /home/OV500/etc/freeswitch/vars.xml
cp -rf sip_profiles/internal.xml /home/OV500/etc/freeswitch/sip_profiles/internal.xml

 Here, IP is freeswitch IP in example and is kamailio IP to allow the incoming traffic in freeswitch using ACL module.

Configure the lua script for voicemail users

Copy the vm_user.lua in freeswitch script folder from the api lib folder

cp /usr/local/src/OV500/portal/api/lib/vm_user.lua /home/OV500/share/freeswitch/scripts/
This script is required to connect with database for finding the voicemail user detail.  find the below things in script and fix the DB access. In below example “ovswitch” is DBUSERNAME and “ovswitch123” is DBPASSWORD.  “freeswitch” is ODBC connection to connect the switch database.
local dbh = freeswitch.Dbh("odbc://freeswitch:ovswitch:ovswitch123")
 Sample odbc config is as below. odbc file location is /etc/odbc.conf
Driver = MySQL
SERVER = localhost
PORT = 3306
DATABASE = switch
OPTION = 67108864
USER = ovswitch
PASSWORD = ovswitch123
How to start the services
 #Start  RTPPROXY service
rtpproxy -l SERVERIP -s udp:localhost:5899 -u rtpproxy rtpproxy

#Start the Freeswitch service

/home/OV500/bin/freeswitch -nc

#Start the IP Tables

systemctl start iptables
systemctl enable iptables

#Start the Kamailio service



“OV500 Switch” project is an open source  VoIP Billing Software fill for Retail, Wholesale business. The  software provides Admin Module, Reseller Module, and Customer Module in addition  including SIP Authentication, Caller ID authentication, IP authentication, Real-time Billing features and many more.

  • Wholesale Solution
  • Carrier Grade Billing Solution
  • Class4 Switch and Billing
  • PC2Phone Solution – OV500 is fit for PC2Phone calling solution. PSTN calls can be made by Using SIP Phone Device using OV500 Solution.
  • VoIP residential services – OV500 Switch is completely designed for:
    1. Residential service to provide the Number using DID( SIP-based PSTN Number)
    2. Route calls on SIP Phone Device similarly from SIP Phone device to PSTN number.
  • DID Solution – DID can be redirected to any SIP Phone Device or PSTN network using OV500 solution.

Above all , here are basic component used in the “OV500 Switch & Billing Solution”

  1. The solution is compatible to run in Linux platform.
  2. DID (VoIP Numbers) compatibility for Residential number and Calling card.
  3. Used Nginx Open Source web server.
  4. Used MariaDB as Open Source Database.
  5. Kamailio, FreeSwitch & RTPProxy as SIP Switch.