Provider Management


Provider in System who provides minutes and VoIP services to the Customer.The amount of minutes given in a month.

Configuration and management is defined in the system under the “Routing Management” –> “Provider” menu.  There we can add, edit and delete the Provider.

Provider Listing

Provider listing is based on Provider name, Provider code and Currency.


Listing provides two Action for User.

  1. Edit Provider
  2. Delete Provider

Provider Add

Add Provider option provides to add Provider in the system. Following options are available Likewise:


Provider Name

This is name of Provider to add in a system

It support alphanumeric string and it is mandatory.


This is a dropdown which having different options for currency selection.        

It supports integer value only.


This is address details  of the Provider

It supports alphanumeric string. Max length of 200 character


This is Email address of the Provider

It supports valid email address.

Provider Edit

This option is available to Edit already existing Provider in a system  or updating Provider just Added.
