Tariff Management

Tariff is package with a Ratecard. Here system is having tariff package with three following options.

  1. Time Based Rates
  2. Destination wise rate card

Configuration and management is defined in the system under the “Rate Management”–> “Tariff” menu. There we can add, edit and delete the tariff.

Tariff Listing

Tariff listing Search is based on Tariff name, Tariff Code,Currency,Who Can Use and Status.


Tariff Listing provides has two Actions  for User.

  1. Edit Tariff
  2. Delete Tariff

Tariff Add

Add Tariff option provides to add the new Tariff in the system. Following details are available to add ….




This is name of Tariff wants add in a system

It support alphanumeric string and it is mandatory.


This is dropdown and provides 2 options “Customer” and “Carrier”. Customer means only customer and reseller can use this rate cards and Carrier means Only Carrier can use.

This is supporting 2 values only such as “CUSTOMER” and “CARRIER”


This is a dropdown which having different options for currency selection.

It supports integer value only.


This is to provide brief description  about Tariff

It support alphanumeric string max of 50 char and it is mandatory.


This defines Status of the Tariff having selection. “Active” or “Inactive”

It Supports Binary “0” or “1”.

Tariff configuration management

Tariff configuration management is further categories in four parts:-

  1. Tariff (EDIT).
  2. Package Services.
  3. Outgoing (PSTN) Calls Rate’s Ratecard List.
  4. Incoming (DID’s) Calls Rate’s Ratecard List

Package Services

This defines Opt for package or not having selection “Yes” or “No”

IT supports ” 0”or  “1”

Monthly Tariff Charge

This is the case if Package service is set to “Yes” then define monthly charge for that

IT Supports Integer Value and its mandatory

Has Bundle

This defines Opt for having Bundle for tariff plan or not. selection “Yes” or “No”

IT supports ” 0”or  “1” Value and its mandatory


This is the case if bundle service is set to “Yes” then define type for the bundle either “Fixed Minute” or “ Fixed Cost”

IT Supports Fixed Characters. “MINUTE” OR “COST” AND It is mandatory.


Define Minutes here if “Minute “selected or  cost here id “Cost” selected in bundle type.

IT Supports Integer Value and its mandatory


This Define Prefix allowed for bundle

IT Supports Integer Value and its mandatory

Add Ratecard Mapping with Tariff Plan



This is the Name of Tariff Plan to which rate card Mapping

This supports alphanumeric and already selected.


This Define selection of Ratecard to map with Tariff Plan.

This supports alphanumeric value and it’s mandatory.




Start Day

This defines day of the week for call originate.

This supports integer values ”0”, ”1”, ”2”, ”3”, ”4”, ”5”, ”6”.

Start Time

This defines Time at which call originate.

It Supports Date and time and is Mandatory.

End Day

This defines day of the week for call terminate.

This supports integer values ”0”, ”1”, ”2”, ”3”, ”4”, ”5”, ”6”.

End Time

This defines Time at which call terminate.

It Supports Date and time and is Mandatory.


This defines Status of Tariff plan with Ratecard Either “Active” or “Inactive”

It Supports Binary “0” or “1”.