Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Management

Direct Inward Dialing (DID) give an option to create Inbound DID. Direct Inward Dialing refers to an access number which is unique and is required by users for establishing call connection based on destination prefix, Carrier DID.

Configuration and management is simple and define in the system under the “Routing Management” –> “Direct Inward Dialing” menu. 

There we can add, edit and import the DID Number file. System have option to provide the DID import from the existing DID List.

Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Search

System provides different options to search DID.  Search By DID Number, Assign To or by Status of DID.


DID Listing provides two Action  for User.

  1. Edit DID
  2. Delete DID

Add Direct Inward Dialing (DID)

The “Add Incoming Number” button under Inbound DID section of this module allows to create new Inbound DIDs. Details such as DID Number, Cost, Country, DID Description and DID provider are required for the creation of new Inbound DIDs.Following options are available as per below


This defines carrier selection from dropdown for which system going to add new Incoming Number

It supports alphanumeric Value and it is Mandatory.


New DID number  Define here

It Supports Integer Value only and it is Mandatory.

DID Name

This define name Of new DID  number 

It supports alphanumeric Value and it is Mandatory.

Setup Charges

This define Charge for setup new DID

It Supports Numeric Value and it is Mandatory.


This define Monthly Rent applicable for new DID

It Supports Numeric Value and it is Mandatory.

Call Rate

This defines rates per call

It Supports Numeric Value and it is Mandatory.

Connection Charge

This defines applicable connection charges

It Supports Numeric Value and it is Mandatory.

Minimum Time

This defines minimum time duration for call

It Supports Numeric Value and it is Mandatory.

Resolution Time

Its time duration for pulse increment  It Supports Numeric Value and it is Mandatory.


This defines how many concurrent calls can allow.It Supports Numeric Value and it is Mandatory.

Edit Direct Inward Dialing (DID)

System is having an option to Edit Direct Inward Dialing details.