Monthly Archives: August 2020


How to install Homer SIPCapture Server with Kamailio in CentOS 7


HOMER is a robust, carrier-grade, scalable SIP Capture system and VoiP Monitoring Application offering HEP/EEP, IP Proto4 (IPIP) encapsulation & port mirroring/monitoring support right out of the box, ready to process & store insane amounts of signaling, logs and statistics with instant search, end-to-end analysis and drill-down capabilities for ITSPs, VoIP Providers and Trunk Suppliers using SIP signaling protocol.



Following is the step by step guide for installing Homer with Kamailio SIP Proxy.

Step # 1

First of install some of the dependencies of the Homer & Kamailio:

Installing dependencies with yum.

# Dependencies
$ sudo yum -y install epel-release
$ sudo yum update
$ sudo yum -y install httpd mariadb-server mariadb mysql mysql-devel php
php-mysql php5-mysql wireshark bison pcre-devel libpcap-devel flex git

Step # 2

You can skip this step if you have already setup database and Apache Server.

Start Mariadb and set root password for the databases:

$ systemctl start mariadb
$ mysql_secure_installation

Edit Apache Configurations file:

$ sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Update the http.conf file with following contents:

<directory html="" var="" www="">

   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all

After making above changes in Mariadb and Apache, you can restart services and enable them to start after boot.

$ sudo systemctl start httpd.service
$ sudo systemctl enable httpd.service
$ sudo systemctl enable mariadb

Step # 3

In this step, we are going to download source of Homer API and UI and place the code at the appropriate locations.

# Homer
$ cd /usr/src/
$ sudo git clone
$ sudo git clone

$ mkdir /opt/sipcapture
$ sudo cp -rf /usr/src/homer-ui/* /var/www/html/
$ sudo cp -rf /usr/src/homer-api/api/ /var/www/html/
$ sudo cp -rf /usr/src/homer-api/scripts/* /opt/sipcapture/
$ sudo chmod -R a+x /opt/sipcapture/

Step # 4

In this step, we are going to setup Homer Database user, password and tables.

Please make sure that you have changed following file with your desired credentials:

$ sudo vi /usr/src/homer-api/sql/homer_user.sql

Please change db-username and db-password parameters as below:

CREATE USER ''@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '';
GRANT ALL ON homer_configuration.* TO ''@'localhost';
GRANT ALL ON homer_statistic.* TO ''@'localhost';
GRANT ALL ON homer_data.* TO ''@'localhost';

Now save and close the file.

You can install Homer databases schema with following commands:

$ mysql -u root -p < /usr/src/homer-api/sql/homer_user.sql
$ mysql -u root -p homer_data < /usr/src/homer-api/sql/schema_data.sql
$ mysql -u root -p homer_configuration < /usr/src/homer-api/sql/schema_configuration.sql
$ mysql -u root -p homer_statistic < /usr/src/homer-api/sql/schema_statistic.sql

Step # 5

You can setup crontab to rotate sipcapture homer_data database tables after one day.

Change Database username and password in below file:

sudo vi /opt/sipcapture/rotation.ini

Please change db-username and db-password parameters as below:

[MYSQL] user=
db_data = homer_data
db_stats = homer_statistic
# Extra param
newtables = 2 # Create new tables or partitions for next 2 days
engine = InnoDB #MyISAM or InnoDB

Save and close the file.

$ sudo crontab -e -u root
30 3 * * * /opt/sipcapture/homer_rotate > /dev/null 2>&1

Save and close the file.

You have to manually run the rotate file as below:

$ sudo /opt/sipcapture/homer_rotate

Make sure that it has created tables with current date in homer_data database otherwise you have to rename the tables.

Step # 6

In this step, we are going to install Kamailio to capture SIP packets.

Download and Install Kamailio from source:

$ cd /usr/src/
$ sudo git clone --depth 1 kamailio
$ cd kamailio
$ sudo make FLAVOUR=kamailio include_modules="db_mysql sipcapture pv textops rtimer xlog sqlops htable sl siputils" cfg
$ sudo make all
$ sudo make install 

In order to configure Kamailio, following actions are required.

$ sudo cp /usr/src/homer-api/examples/sipcapture/sipcapture.kamailio /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg
$ sudo vi /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg

Edit kamailio.cfg with database credentials and your Server IP (replace X.X.X.X with your Server IP):

#!substdef "!HOMER_DB_USER!!g"
#!substdef "!HOMER_DB_PASSWORD!!g"
#!substdef "!HOMER_LISTEN_PROTO!udp!g"
#!substdef "!HOMER_LISTEN_IF!X.X.X.X!g"
#!substdef "!HOMER_LISTEN_PORT!9060!g"
#!substdef "!HOMER_STATS_SERVER!tcp:HOMER_LISTEN_IF:8888!g"

Save and close the file.

Starting Kamailio with following command;

$ sudo kamailio
Listening on
udp: X.X.X.X:9060

Step # 7

In this step, we are going to make final configuration changes for Homer UI:

$ cd /var/www/html/api/
$ sudo cp /var/www/html/api/preferences_example.php /var/www/html/api/preferences.php
$ sudo cp /var/www/html/api/configuration_example.php /var/www/html/api/configuration.php
$ sudo chmod 777 /tmp

Determine the executable paths of tshark and egrep for writing in configuration.php.

$ which tshark

$ which egrep

Edit the configuration file for Homer UI:

$ sudo vi /var/www/html/api/configuration.php

Change your database credentials and executable paths of tshark and egrep determined as above:

/* AUTH DB homer. User and Configuration */
define('DB_HOSTNAME', "localhost");
define('DB_PORT', 3306);
define('DB_USERNAME', "");
define('DB_PASSWORD', "");
define('DB_CONFIGURATION', "homer_configuration");
define('DB_STATISTIC', "homer_statistic");
define('DB_HOMER', "homer_data");
define('SINGLE_NODE', 1);


/* webHomer Settings
* Adjust to reflect your system preferences

define('PCAPDIR', ROOT."/tmp/");

/* Tshark settings for ISUP analyse */

/* INCLUDE preferences */




Edit the preferences file needed for configurations.

sudo vi /var/www/html/api/preferences.php

Change X.X.X.X to your Server IP Address and email addresses:

define('REMOTE_LOG_URL', "http://X.X.X.X:9200");
define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_URI', "http://X.X.X.X/api/request");

Step # 8

Now you have successfully installed Homer SIPCapture Server and you can login the server with following credentials and replace X.X.X.X with your server IP.

URL: http://X.X.X.X/
Username: admin
Password: test123


VoIP Solution for wholesale Business

VoIP Business is moving in a new innovative direction to serve unified communication services and simplifying services using open source solutions. Freeswitch provides almost all required UCM features without the GUI. OV500 is designed to serve wholesale aggregator services.

Freeswitch , Kamailio and RTPProxy are used in the system with simplifying GUI to manager least cost routing, unlimited carrier, resellers and users with custom dialplan options.